This page contains piano accompaniments to songs for use in Sunday School lessons and other worship activities. Click the link to play the music.
When used for this purpose the performances recorded here are covered by the church's CCLI licence 48308
Songs marked <<<<<<<<<< are ones the Sunday School children are currently learning.
BoW 066 Come, everyone, and join with us
BoW 072 Hail to the LORD's anointed
BoW 099 The LORD God reigns in majesty
BoW 103a Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
BoW 116a What shall I render to the LORD
BoW 122 My heart was glad to hear the welcome sound
BoW 150b Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
BoW 157 Give to our God Immortal praise
BoW 164 Holy! Holy! Holy! Lord God Almighty!
BoW 279 Silent Night (1 verse)
BoW 279 Silent Night (4 verses)
BoW 332 Rejoice, the Lord is King
BoW 405 When Israel was in Egypt's land
BoW 429 Seek ye first the kingdom of God <<<<<<<<<<
BoW 441 Guide me, O my great Redeemer
BoW 523 Glory be to the Father
BoW 525 Now unto Him who is able to keep
BoW 526 Now to the King of heaven
BoW 529 To Him who sits upon the throne
BoW 530 Praise God, you angel hosts above
BoW 532 Now blessed be the LORD our God <<<<<<<<<<
BoW 533 Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
SBoW 095 My heart is filled with thankfulness (Lyrics HERE)
SBoW 105 You're the Word of God the Father (Lyrics HERE)
SBoW 163 His Mercy is More (Lyrics HERE)
SBoW 164 A Rich Young Man (Simple Living) (Lyrics HERE)
SBoW 167 Jesus, strong and kind (Lyrics HERE)